Posts related to programming category

Enable HTTPS on local, even with a customizable domain

Normally, when you're debugging your web app on local, you can access it with either `http://localhost:PORT` or ``.T

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Do not store file outside of WSL, it is slow

For some reason, I have switch back to Windows OS after years of working on MacOS.Most of the time I'm working on frontend projects, so t

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A wrong solution on Leetcode

With all these years as an engineer, I never tried Leetcode.Maybe it's because I never prepared for interview before.Well, now I have t

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how to skip git hooks when committing

Well, it's not very recommended skipping git hooks. These hooks are often for formatting code, running tests, etc.But life happens, somet

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How to fix: Enzyme expects an adapter to be configured

Working on updating a legacy React project. It's still using React 8 and Node 7.9, I'd like to upgrate it to the latest React and Node.Th

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