Posts related to programming category

How to copy image and text to clipboard with JavaScript

I used to saw my colleague add a 30kb lib only to implement a copy function that when the user clicks on a text, copy it to the clipboard.

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遇到个需求需要调试在微信中打开的网页。之前没有做过,搜了一圈那个所谓的在微信对话框中打开debugx5.qq.com的方法已经过时无用, 打开就显示你所使用对内核非X5内核。至于TBStool更是在2017年就已经停止更新,打开就闪退,浪费时间安装。看来因为开发人员对QQ搞

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Use git archive to zip your source code

To zip compiled project file is easy, normally I just use [archivejs](), write a small nodejs script, and then add a script in `package.jso

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how to use jQuery with TypeScript

It's 2020, why do you still need to use jQuery?Yeah, jQuery has 53.8k stars on Github. And still, there are more than 97% of websites are

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